Joaquín Torres, known as the “architect of the stars”, is one of the most popular representatives of contemporary Spanish architecture. Co-founder of ACero Arquitectos, together with Rafael Llamazares and Alberto Peris, the architect is the author of this modern single-family home, belonging to a famous football player and located in the seaside town of Gavà.
To achieve the best insulation, both of the ventilated façade and interior living spaces, Joaquín Torres specified the use of URSA’s TERRA range of materials. Each URSA TERRA Vento panel is finished with an outer veil that protects the inside layer of mineral wool from weather conditions during construction of the ventilated façade. In addition, panels are covered by another black thin veil which repels water.
URSA TERRA was also the material chosen for the interiors of the building. These panels comply with all the thermal insulation requirements of the Spanish Technical Building Code. URSA TERRA offers a high fire class (A1), also increasing acoustic insulation and comfort in buildings.